joi, 4 octombrie 2012

How to grow peas

If you want to know how to grow peas then you have come to the right place because here we are going to teach you how to do this. Many people consider this veggie as being a cool-weather addict. This is totally untrue, if you choose types of plants who need moderate sunlight you can enjoy peas from spring to fall. They are very easy to grow not to mention the fact that they are very healthy and kids love them.

Here is what you need to do to grow peas in your garden: 

·         The first thing you need to do is find an area where you want to plant your peas. The site should have a Ph between 6 and 7 and it should get full sun.
·         Make sure that the soil is well drained peas do not like wet soil. Add some compost to the soil to make it rich. Avoid adding any fertilizer high in nitrogen.
·         Peas need to be planted in raised beds which means that the soil must be light so you can amend it easily.
·         Now you need to choose the type of peas you want to cultivate, you can choose between three types: Chinese, English and snap peas.
·         As soon as you finish preparing the soil start sowing the peas in your garden. You should plant them four weeks before the last frost. Because seeds germinate fast you do not need to spend money on started plants.
·         When you plant them the seeds should be about an inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart. The distance between the rows should be big because peas take up a lot of space. You should keep a distance of 3 feet between rows.
·         Make sure that you install the support for the peas as soon as they start to surface because they will need something to climb on.
·         Do not forget to water the plant once a week, more if you live in a hot area.
·         Make sure that you feed the plant with compost in the developing stage.

This is how to grow peas in your garden, as you can see it is not so hard and it does not take much of your time. If you are organized and you take care of the plants you will enjoy fresh peas a very long time. Consume veggies that you plant in your garden rather than buying them from the store.

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